
Special Offer - Two Visits, Full Exams, and Treatment


Auto Injury Whiplash Treatment

Auto accidents occur every single day. Chances are, you will be involved in an auto accident or have already been involved in a car crash that left you with an auto injury.

One of the most common types of auto injury is whiplash. Whiplash is a condition that can take a long time to recover from. With the help of a chiropractor at our office in Secaucus, NJ, you can start feeling relief from your neck pain and whiplash. At Chirolove Spine & Wellness Center, we're here to help you find relief and achieve your wellness goals.


What Is Whiplash?

Whiplash is a common auto injury that results from the violent back and forth motion during a car crash. This type of motion, such as when someone is rear ended, causes the neck to jolt forward. This leads to the symptoms of whiplash which may include:

  • Neck pain
  • Upper back pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue

These symptoms can be debilitating and difficult to live with. Unfortunately, many people don't realize they're living with whiplash since symptoms can appear months after an auto accident.

Can a Chiropractor on Our Team Help?

A chiropractor from our practice is trained in recognizing the root causes of pain related to musculoskeletal ailments such as whiplash. The chiropractor utilizes 100% natural techniques that can help provide pain relief and restore balance, improving overall health.

With the help of a chiropractor on our team, you can begin to feel relief from whiplash in as little as a few weeks. It's important to get the help of one our chiropractors if your whiplash symptoms aren't going away on their own, or if your symptoms continue to return.

Chiropractic Care for Whiplash

A chiropractor on our team will conduct a full physical exam to determine the extent of your whiplash auto injury. They can also determine if your neck pain is truly caused by whiplash. If it is, they can provide treatment options such as massage therapy, spinal adjustment, and manual adjustments to help realign the spine. Unfortunately, a severe car crash can cause the spine to be misaligned, leading to the symptoms of whiplash.

These are just some of the many techniques a chiropractor can implement in 30-to-45-minute sessions. Muscle stretches and exercises can also help treat secondary auto accident injuries.

Contact Us to Help Improve Your Health with Our Chiropractors

You don't have to live with whiplash symptoms forever. Call us at Chirolove Spine & Wellness Center to book an appointment at our Secaucus, NJ, clinic and get help to achieve your wellness goals. Call us at (201) 293-4697.


Office Hours


10:00 am - 1:00 pm

2:30 pm - 6:30 pm


3:00 pm - 6:30 pm


10:00 am - 1:00 pm

2:30 pm - 6:30 pm


10:00 am - 1:00 pm

2:30 pm - 6:30 pm




10:00 am - 12:00 pm



10:00 am - 1:00 pm 2:30 pm - 6:30 pm
3:00 pm - 6:30 pm
10:00 am - 1:00 pm 2:30 pm - 6:30 pm
10:00 am - 1:00 pm 2:30 pm - 6:30 pm
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
