Tension Headaches FAQs

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Tension headaches are a common type of headaches suffered by Americans. Fortunately, they can also be relieved through chiropractic care. Learn more with these common questions and answers. Our team at ChiroLove Spine & Wellness Center in Secaucus, NJ, are here to help.


What Exactly Are Tension Headaches?

Tension headaches are a common issue that can be triggered by many different things. However, the root cause is often due to stress and muscle tension in the neck, back, or both. This tension might be caused by many things, as well, including spinal misalignment, poor posture, poor sleep habits, and more.

How Do I Know I Have a Tension Headache?

Tension headaches are typically headaches that create a dull ache or a feeling of tightness around your head. While this pain is often felt in the back of the head near the neck, it can also encircle your head. They might also cause tenderness in the neck and back of the head. Though you can function to some degree with a tension headache, it can certainly impact your productivity and quality of life.

Can a Chiropractor Really Help with Tension Headaches?

Yes, a chiropractor can help in several ways. Chiropractic care is holistic. That means a chiropractor on our team focuses on addressing the problem that’s causing the tension headache. For example, a common course of treatment is adjustments, which are incredibly effective in addressing alignment issues that contribute to tension. A chiropractor on our team might also help you eliminate tension headaches through exercises, lifestyle modifications, and more. This includes addressing causes like poor posture, poor stress management, and similar factors.

What Is the Difference between a Tension Headache and a Migraine?

While a tension headache can create a dull ache or tightness anywhere in or all around the head, a migraine typically produces more severe pain on one side of the head. However, that pain can be in both sides, so you have to look at other factors when determining whether it’s a headache or a migraine.

Can Chiropractors Help with Migraines?

Yes, many patients find relief from migraines with chiropractic care. Though the exact cause of migraines can differ and isn’t always agreed upon. Addressing alignment issues, improving blood flow, releasing nerve compression, and addressing tension through chiropractic care may all be effective for treating various types of headaches and migraines.

Find Relief from Headaches and Migraines with a Secaucus, NJ, Chiropractor on Our Team

Say goodbye to tension headaches by scheduling an appointment with our team at ChiroLove Spine & Wellness Center by calling (201) 293-4697

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